В категорию "Индикаторы Подвальные 1линия " добавлено 153 индикатора!
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1$\ 1-1\ Accumulation\ Accumulation2MA_v03\ Adaptative Stochastic v4\ AnchMom\ ATRratio\ Average Size Bar\ B&WImp-T01\ BBandWidthRatio\ Black&White-T01\ Bollinger Bands %b\ BullsBearsEyes\ Complex_pairs1\ CyAn_1_Fisher_trans\ CyAn_2_High Pass Filter\ CyAn_5_CG Oscillator\ Digital PCCI filter\ DMICE\ DPO\ DSS Bressert\ DT-RSI-Sig\ Dynamic Zone RSI\ Dynamic Zone RSI2\ Dynamo Stochastic\ Elder Impulse nlma for EA\ Ergodic1\ eva1x21_Line\ eva2_Line\ ew1\ Force Index\ Heart Beat\ HLR\ HMA_Russian_Color_sep\ i4_DRF_v2\ iAnchMom\ IBS\ IBS_RSI_CCI_v3\ iMACross\ ind_GMA_Sw_MACDSUM\ ind_GMA_Sw_Simple\ Indreverse\ insync index & arrwos\ J_TPO\ JCFBaux\ JMA RSX\ KAMARev2\ KGSP\ Laguerre\ Laguerre_ROC\ Laguerre MinusDi\ Laguerre PlusDi\ Laguerre RSI\ LaguerreVolume\ LSMA\ PCC_I\ PCCI-as a filter\ PDF\ pfe2\ QQEAlert_MTF_v5\ RAVI\ RAVI FX\ RBCI\ REIMT4\ ROC\ RoundPriceExpCh\ rsi_smoothed_bandsfba_osc\ rsx\ Rsx_in_color\ Schaff Trend\ Schaff Trend Cycle\ Smoothed RSI\ SmPriceBend-T01\ SSRC\ SSRC_Force\ Stochastic RSI\ StocRSI 2\ StrangeIndicator\ T3 CC_I\ T3 MAC_O\ T3 THV\ T3_clean\ T3_iAnchMom\ T30 rsi simple\ Tii_rlh2\ TPO\ TPO_Velocity\ TrendPower\ Trend SMC v2\ TrendStrength\ TrendTriggerMod\ TSI\ Turbo_JRSX\ Ultitimate Oscillator\ Volatility quality - zero line\ VQ\ WPR\ wpr + bands\ YangTrader\ Robby DSS Bressert Colored with alert v1.1\ |
00test_0S7ma_rsi\ 2_RSI\ _MTF_RSI\ AD2MA_v03bc_mtf\ Adaptive RSI\ ADX_Wilder's_Book_v2\ adxdon_onlyADX\ ADXm_funt[1]\ ADXVMA6_sub\ ARSI1\ Asymmetry\ ATM_Pure_RSI_Alert\ ATM_Pure_Triple_Stoch\ ATR\ ATR - 5 Digits\ ATR_Normalized_v1\ ATR D1 Shinigami\ ATR in Pips v1\ atr macd\ Bollinger Bands b\ Bollinger Band Width\ Bollinger Bandwidth\ Brooky_Stoch_Shade\ CC_Divergenc\ CCI-alert_mtf\ CCI - T3 smoothed\ CCI 2\ CCI_alternative_v1\ CCI _Ob Os alerts\ CCI_TF\ cci_triple\ CCI pre-filtered\ CCI stochastic\ CCIWithAlert\ CO atr ratio\ Color RSI with allert\ Cycle_KROUFR_version\ Cycle_KROUFR_version 2\ D_RSI\ Divergence_cci\ Double stochastic - Bressert\ DSS Bressert - cci\ DSS Bressert - rsi\ F-RSI\ Fisher Transform over Stochastic Oscillator\ Fluxo do Euro divergence_mtf\ FractalAMA_MBK - macd like\ fractal dimension\ Fuzzy_Logic\ Heiken ashi binary alerts\ I_RSI\ ind_DivPeakTroughOsMA_SW_v1\ ind_DivPeakTroughRSI_SW_v1\ ind_DivPeakTroughSto_SW_v1\ Inverse Fisher Transform of RSI\ JMA_RSI\ JMA_RSI 2\ JMA_RSI_IFT\ JRSIFast\ Kwan divergence_mtf\ Laguerre2RSI\ Laguerre_RSI_v1\ Laguerre cci (1)\ Laguerre cci normalized\ Laguerre rsi variation\ LaguerreRSIwMA\ LScci_in_Color\ LSMA of RVI\ LWMA_ATR\ MAadaptive_(rsi+r2)_cd\ MACD HiiLo\ MA LSMA_nrp_mtf_sw\ MAMA_v1_osc_MTF_alert\ MaRsi-Trigger\ Melis cci v5\ Momentum_Div\ MT4-StochasticRSI-Oscillator\ MTF_DeMarker\ MTF_MA in Colorv3\ MTF_Momentum\ MTF_Normalize\ normalized RSI - mtf alerts\ Parabolic p\ PCCI 2\ QQEA\ RapidRSI\ RSI-2TF\ RSI-Alert\ RSI-Alert (1)\ RSI - mtf alerts\ RSI-TC\ RSI-TC_NEW\ RSI-TMA-v-Renko\ RSI45\ RSI_LiDo\ RSI_Turn\ Rsi accumulated\ Rsi accumulated 2\ Rsi accumulated 2 alerts arrows\ RSI alert\ RsiAlert\ rsi choosable symbol\ RSI Divergence 2\ Rsi of Hull moving average\ rsi of smoother 2\ RSI Unlimited M5\ RSI Unlimited M15\ rsiv\ RSIvar_v1\ RSX\ Schaff-RSI\ SMARSI_v1\ SMARSI_v2\ Stoch_TF\ Stochastic_MACD\ Stochastic_NoLastBar\ Stochastic classical\ StochCCI\ T3 Aroon oscillator\ T3 deviation\ T3_CCI_ divergence_v1\ T3_CCI_v1\ T3_DeMarker_v1\ T3_Momentum_v1\ T3_Momentum Burst mtf\ t3_Moving_Volume_Average\ Ticker ZigZag\ TP RapidRSI\ TP RapidRSI 2\ Trend Filter\ VininI_RSI_FO\ VolumeRSI_v1\ Williams_Accumulation_Distribution\ williamspr_alert_v2\ Wpr_mtf_alerts\ Wpr_mtf multialerts-1\ WPR_T3\ Wpr filtered\ MTFStochastic_mj_v2.0\ MTF Stochastic v2.0\ MTFStochasticv2.0\ Pretty_T3_RSI_LK_V1.0\ MTF Stochastic v2.0 Alert (e)\ RSI Color M5 v1.01\ RSI Color M15 v1.01\ RSI Color v1.01\ MTF Stochastic v2.0hio\ CCI_Divergence_V1.1\ CoronaTrendVigor_v2.1\ Pretty_T3_RSI_LK_V1.1\ StepMA_Stoch_v1.1\ StochasticExpansion_v1.1\ Divergence_V1.1_CCI\ |